Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Gravesian Ode

Why? He stood alone in the sudden silence. He'd come where he'd been told to come, brought what he'd been told to bring, found what he'd been told to find, and done what he'd been told to do. The blood flowed through the dust of the altar, and joined with the dust of the ground. He reached out with his right hand, still holding the knive, and closed the eyes of his son. Why? Abraham's cry penetrated the thicket around him, echoing off of the nearby hills, it reached heaven, where it found no answer. This is not the story that is told in Genesis. But I've been given it to tell to you. God hears our every cry, God heard Abraham's cry, and God cried too. He had no answer for Abraham. He had no answer for Sarah. St. Paul wrote, as all died in Adam, all will live in Christ. But on the day his son Jesus died, God the Father remembered Abraham, and he remembered Issac. Why? Abraham's cry tore heaven open, and shook the ground that day. It ripped the veil of the temple in half, as God the Father stood among men who could not see, and closed the eyes of his son, who could, and knew.


jh said...

lamb of god


Wendy Hoke said...

Welcome to the blogosphere. Thought provoking poem.