Saturday, July 11, 2009

Farmers Market

For those of us who live in sub/urban areas, farmers markets are a gift from the Lord. Down in Florida, where my parents live, the farmers markets are closed for the summer—it's just too hot. Naturally, up here in the land of two-seasons (winter and road-repair), ours just opened. And so starts a weekly ritual that will take my wife and me through October.

Saturday mornings. Caribou coffee, and a chat with a group of men from the church who meet there every Saturday morning, year round. Then off to the farmers market. We'll buy veggies from the two ladies, from the man and his mom, and from sad guy: green beans, zucchini, yellow squash, green peppers, cilantro. Later in the season, there will be watermelon and sweet corn, then spaghetti and acorn squash. There's the jam lady, my first stop. Yum!! If you see her, make sure to get some of the raspberry-orange and bitter orange marmalades. Then the breads: ciabbata, raisin-pecan baguettes, sourdough and multi-grain boules. The cheese guy started coming last year. I picked up a nice piece of chipotle-cheddar for kicks, but he also has craft farm cheeses that are unbelievable. You can't get everything all at once! Pace yourself!! There were two nice additions this year: a young couple from Michigan selling fruits and berries, and a couple of women from in town selling the most amazing flower bouquets, lettuces, and herbs, grown in backyard gardens. I'd love to see those gardens!!

The seasons turn, life is good.


1 comment:

G. M. Palmer said...

We have a huge farmers market art fair thing downtown. I've yet to go. It's too hot :)